RSS Feed Added
FYI I Just added and RSS feed, with feedburner.
Seemingly random thoughts about Autodesk Revit, BIM, & digital content creation. Also considers how they are changing the practice of Architecture as we know it.
Continuing his 1-2-3 Revit article series at Cadalyst, Rick Rundell's latest installment deals with Revit structure and how it fits into the BIM concept. Great read, I highly recommend it.
The long awaited revit based structural design tool, Autodesk Revit Structure 1.0, is set to ship today. It seems that information on crossgrade promotions and pricing details have not yet been released. I will pass that info on as I receive it. Always on the ball, Augi has already added an entirely new forum category dedicated to the new product. Autodesk was also quick to add new discussion group, autodesk.revitstructure, has been added to
Wes Macaulay, of Pacific Alliance Technologies, has started an informative thread with FAQ’s for ARS.
More news to follow...... this time I promise ;)